Making the Right Moves for Home Loan Refinancing

Making the Right Moves for Home Loan Refinancing

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Many homeowners dream of the day they can finally say, “This is my home!” After all, a home is more than just a roof over our heads; it’s a place where memories are made and cherished. But along with the joy of homeownership comes the responsibility of paying a mortgage.

A mortgage is a long-term commitment, and you may wonder if you could save money through home loan refinancing. With interest rates fluctuating and financial goals evolving, evaluating your options and determining the right time for a refinance is essential.

Refinancing a home loan means replacing your existing mortgage with a new one, typically to secure a lower interest rate, reduce the loan term, or tap into your home’s equity. Exploring home loan refinancing is a smart financial move, but timing is everything.

Is it a good idea to refinance a house right now?

CHL - A red colored pencil pointing to a printed refinancing text on a white paper

Refinancing a home loan is like standing at a crossroads. You have to weigh the pros and cons. But here’s the deal: if you can snag a lower interest rate than what you’re currently paying, it’s like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

But before jumping for joy, you need to consider a few things. First, check your credit score. If it’s in good shape—say, above 700—then you’re in the fast lane to a refinance.

Next, consider how long you plan to stay in your home. Home loan refinancing makes a lot of sense if you’re in it for the long haul. The savings from the lower rate will pile up over time, and you can use that cash for other things, like fixing up your home or taking that dream vacation you’ve been eyeing.

On the other hand, if you’re thinking of packing your bags and moving in the near future, home loan refinancing might not be your best play. The savings from the lower interest rate won’t outweigh the closing costs and fees you’ll have to shell out when you refinance. It’s like trying to steal second base but getting thrown out.

At what point is it worth it to refinance?

Home loan refinancing can be a sweet deal, but you must time it just right. Here are a few situations when to refinance home loan:

1. When Interest Rates Drop

Interest rates in the housing market can be as unpredictable as a dice roll. But if rates take a nosedive and drop significantly below what you’re currently paying, it’s like a neon sign flashing “opportunity” in your face.

To know if it’s your time to shine, keep an eye on the market and watch for rates at least 1 to 2 percentage points lower than your current rate. But remember, low rates alone aren’t enough to make a refinance a wise move. It would be best to consider how long you plan to stay in your home and the costs of the new loan.

2. When Your Credit Score Improves

Getting a mortgage is like playing a “Simon Says” game with your lender. They say, “Jump!” and you say, “How high?” But here’s the catch: the higher your credit score, the lower the interest rate you can receive.

If you’ve been hustling to improve your credit score since getting your current loan and have moved the needle significantly, pat yourself on the back. You’re in a prime position to score a lower rate with a refinance. But here’s the thing: before you step up to the plate, look at the other terms and conditions of the new loan to ensure they won’t wipe out the savings from the lower rate.

3. When You Have Enough Equity

Equity is the difference between what your home is worth and what you owe on your mortgage. If you’ve been making mortgage payments and the value of your home has been up and up, you’re building equity fast.

But here’s where it gets interesting: if you have enough equity—say, 20% or more of the home’s value—you can refinance into a new loan, unlock that equity, and get your hands on some serious cash. You can use those savings to pay for a home renovation, like giving your kitchen a much-needed renovation or consolidating other high-interest debts.

4. When You Want To Change Loan Terms

Home loan refinancing isn’t just about getting a lower interest rate; it can also be a ticket to change your loan terms to fit your financial game plan better. If you’re currently doing the two-step with a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage but want to achieve debt freedom, a shorter-term loan, like a 15-year fixed-rate mortgage, could be your goal.

However, while a shorter-term loan can save you a heap of cash in interest, bigger monthly payments are necessary. Before rushing to change your loan terms, ensure you can handle the higher monthly payments without throwing off your budget.

5. When You Need To Pay for a Big Expense

If you’re wondering when to refinance home loan, one of the best times is when you’re facing a financial curve ball—a big medical bill, hefty college tuition, or the need for a new set of wheels. During these scenarios, trying to swing for the fences with your savings alone might not be your best play.

Here’s the good news: if you’ve built up enough equity in your home, you can refinance your way to a chunk of cash that can help you cover that curveball and keep your finances in the game. Just remember, this play is all about strategy. You’ll need to weigh the costs of the new loan against the potential savings from a different refinance option to ensure you’re hitting a home run and not striking out.

6. When You Can Get Rid of Mortgage Insurance

If your current mortgage loan includes mortgage insurance, it is essential to take note of the following information. Mortgage insurance can be likened to an inconvenient label on your attire that cannot be removed until you have made sufficient payments to reach a 20% equity stake in your home. This can be burdensome as it contributes to your monthly financial obligations.

However, there is a strategic approach to mitigate this issue. If the appraised value of your property has appreciated since your initial mortgage acquisition, or if you have significantly reduced your outstanding loan balance, you may have the opportunity to eliminate the requirement for mortgage insurance, consequently reducing your ongoing expenses. This is where the process of refinancing home loans comes into play, allowing you to secure a new loan arrangement devoid of mortgage insurance obligations, ultimately providing financial relief.

When is it not worth it to refinance?

Home loan refinancing is not the right move for everyone. So, when you start your journey to refinancing home loans, pay attention to these red flags:

1. When You Plan to Move Soon

Refinancing home loan involves closing costs and other fees that can dent your wallet. If you plan to sell your home in the next couple of years and those savings from a refinance won’t cover the costs, it’s best to stay put and stick with your current loan.

2. When You’re Deep Into Your Current Loan

Home loan refinancing can be like hitting the rewind button on your mortgage, but when you’re deep into your current loan, it may not yield the expected financial benefits. Mortgages come with upfront costs and fees, and the benefits of home loan refinancing may take time to offset these expenses.

Suppose you’ve been making mortgage payments for a substantial period and have already paid down a significant portion of your loan. In that case, most of your current payments are likely going toward the principal, helping you build equity. In such cases, the potential savings from refinancing may not justify the costs.

3. When Interest Rates Have Skyrocketed

In this scenario, home loan refinancing might not be your go-to pit stop. When interest rates have significantly increased since you first locked in your mortgage, it’s like a sudden storm on your financial horizon.

Chasing the lowest rates is tempting, but here’s the twist: if your current interest rate is considerably lower than the new market rates, refinancing could lead to higher monthly payments. It’s like changing lanes in traffic only to find yourself in a slower-moving one. Before making any moves, weigh the costs of refinancing home loans against the potential benefits. Ensure that the overall financial picture still shines brightly in your favor.

The Bottom Line

Refinancing may often seem financially relieving, but it demands careful consideration and timing. Like a seasoned quarterback in a football game, you must choose your play wisely.

First, always keep an eagle eye on interest rates. If they drop significantly below your current rate, it’s like a golden ticket to savings. But remember, it’s not just about getting the lowest rate; it’s about assessing the costs and how long you plan to stay home.

Second, credit scores matter. If your credit score has increased, you’re in a solid position to hit a home run at a lower rate. But keep a close watch on the other terms of the new loan to ensure they align with your financial strategy.

Third, equity can be your financial ace up the sleeve. If you’ve built enough equity, you can unlock cash for essential expenses or renovations.

Lastly, consider changing loan terms if it aligns with your financial goals. Shorter-term loans demand higher monthly payments, so ensure your budget keeps up.

But just as we’ve explored when refinancing makes sense, knowing when it might not be your best play is equally crucial. Think twice if you plan to move soon or are plunging into your current loan.

Discover the best home loan refinancing options with Cedar Home Loans!

Let us take away the stresses of refinancing your home! At Cedar Home Loans, we offer the best refinance rates Colorado has to offer. Contact us today, and let us help you make the right financial moves for your future!

About the Author:

Andrew McBryan

Andrew McBryan is the owner and founder of Cedar Home Loans LLC, where he brings over 27 years of experience in the mortgage industry to his role. Andrew has successfully expanded the company across Colorado, including offices in Telluride, Vail, Summit County, and Boulder. His dedication to providing innovative mortgage solutions and his commitment to staying informed on the latest industry trends make him a trusted advisor to clients and referral partners alike.

When not focused on his business, Andrew enjoys the unique sport of burro racing and relishes the time spent skiing in Colorado’s beautiful terrain. Above all, Andrew is a devoted father, finding joy and inspiration in his daughter’s growth and happiness. 

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